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Works or Fruit?

Posted by Tkulp , 17 March 2023 · 0 views

“As long as we struggle under law


....that is,


.....by our own effort-


sin “”shall”” have “dominion” over us. “


From the Simpson Devotional today 3/17/23***



This is the difference between our own effort, and struggle, for righteousness...




“bearing fruit” from the Spirit of Jesus Christ literally living within our bodies and “yoked together” with our spirits.


It comes from the “Divine Influence” that we must choose to surround ourselves with, which changes the way we think, act and speak because of our choice to have pure meditations.


This working of the “Divine Influence” is “True” Grace; which we must choose to receive, surrender to, and surround ourselves with!!


We can not receive this “True” Grace while we choose to sit at the feet of the world and the world’s entertainment. We will end up being two-spirited or as the KJ says “double-minded”!!!



Strong’s Dictionary- Grace - G5485
From G5463 ...graciousness (as gratifying)...


(......”especially the divine influence upon the heart, and “””its reflection””” in the life;”


....including gratitude):



Yes, as a mirror, our lives will be a reflection of Jesus’ life; as Jesus prayed for it to be in John 17...


Joh 17:19 - 21. And “”for “their sakes” I sanctify myself,””


...that they also might be sanctified through the truth.


Neither pray I for these alone,


“but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;”


That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, “”that they also may be one in us:””


“”””that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.””””





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