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Think Smaller

Posted by Steve Grusendorf , 25 April 2013 · 1149 views

If you want to change the world, I want to challenge you to think on a smaller scale. As more Alliance churches catch a smaller vision for missions the greater our collective impact for bringing the Gospel to the world will become. Below are three ways an Alliance church can be thinking smaller in order to have a greater impact for the Gospel.

Keep Alliance International Missions (IM) in the Family.
If a church wants to make the IM office of the C&MA feel like family, get busy producing quality young men and women who are responding to the call of God in their life for mission work. IM becomes personal when a church has a personal stake in those who are being sent across the globe. Now a change in thinking like this takes time. It may take a church 5-10 years to see the fruit of such a shift in thinking, but the work should begin immediately. A church that is serious about making IM family needs to spend regular amounts of time praying for, fostering, and preparing candidates for the IM office to recruit. A church needs to develop the spiritual and professional call of their young people in such a way that they are able to offer their best and their brightest for overseas mission work. It takes time but the reward can be a far more personal relationship with IM.

Strive to be a “Zero Impact” Sending Church.
Giving to the GCF is an essential way of partnering with Alliance work around the world. Each Alliance church should strive to sacrificially give as much as they can toward this endeavor. But what would it look like if a church caught a vision to support the GCF generally AND fully fund any International Worker from their church that is sent out through IM. In reality this would effectively double the impact the GCF could have around the world. Yet to get there takes time, effort, and sacrifice. What would your church have to sacrifice in order to send your best and brightest overseas for the sake of the Gospel. The GCF does not have to be an impersonal fund; rather it can be the lifeline between you and your sons and daughters if you only think smaller!

Develop a Homegrown Care Network for Your IM Worker.
Smaller thinking churches are keenly aware of the need to care for all the needs their Alliance International Worker may have. They make the spiritual and the physical needs of their International Worker their priority and concern. What would it look like if your church developed a team of individuals who were solely dedicated to caring for all the needs your International Worker had over the years. Through prayer, care, and furlough support this team could have a big impact in the life of an International Worker.

Sometimes the best way to get big things done is by simply being faithful with the little things. I pray that God would rise up a generation of churches who were committed to thinking about missions on a smaller scale in order to see God show up in a big way.

Community Questions:
  • What are some ways your church is trying to foster qualified candidates for Alliance International Ministries?
  • What are some ways your church is seeking to financially support the GCF AND those Alliance workers that come from your church?
  • What are some things your church is doing to care for Alliance workers at home and overseas?

  • Sarah Baker and LJ Downs like this

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