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The Eyes Tell It All

Posted by Don Sappington , 10 March 2014 · 1549 views

You’ve seen the photos.

Little kids with penetrating dark brown eyes peering at you—piercing into your soul—haunting your spirit—calling out for your to act on their behalf. Advertisers are all over this; they picture handsome men, beautiful women with eyes that are relentless in capturing your gaze. The eyes tell the story—the eyes tell it all.

Recently I was reminded of what we learn about God by taking note of His eyes.

Yes, I am aware that some references to God’s eyes are simply anthropomorphic—that is, describing God as having human characteristics so we can understand Him—but the point is, we do understand Bod better because we understand how eyes function. God reveals the following insights about Himself to us:
  • God’s eye is attentive, he watches over those who honor and respect him—Ps.33:18; 34:15; 1 Pet. 3:12
  • He doesn’t take his eye off of the righteous or off their land—Job 36:7; Deut. 11:12 [Now that is Job reminding us of this great truth when things were not going so well with his friends! Even when circumstances may not look as you would like, God has not taken his eyes off of you—be encouraged.]
  • God’s eye is constantly looking for and ready to help people who area all-out, totally committed to him—2 Chron. 16:8-9
We learn so much about the caring and compassionate nature of God by understanding his eyes. But let’s not stop so soon. Learn from the eyes of Christ.
  • When the eyes of Jesus saw the crowds, he was overwhelmed with compassion because they so needed a shepherd to care for them, to lead them—Mt. 9:36
  • When the eyes of Jesus saw the city, he wept over it because he realized they were headed for destruction because of their rejection of his message as the Messiah—Lk.19:41-44
The eyes tell the story, the eyes tell it all.
Our God is a compassionate and caring God. Jesus reminds us to open our eyes, to have the eyes of God, to realize there is an urgent task to be done of sowing and harvesting. Take a moment to answer the following questions:
  • How do I sense God has been watching over me? Caring for me? Pause to thank him for his watchful care.
  • Who has God brought into my life to be attentive to? Can you list two or three individuals God has placed on your heart? How could I express his/my love and care to them?
God the Father is ever seeking those who do not yet know his great love. He stands at the top of the mountain, eyes searching, peering down the trail longing for the prodigal to return—ever watching. That is the heart of the Father.

May we be characterized as a people who have searching eyes what reflect a compassionate, caring heart. The eyes tell it all.

  • David Manske and Kent Copley like this

Kent Copley
Mar 11 2014 10:06 AM
Perfect. Don, thank you for this message.
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