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Lives Faithfully Lived

Posted by Angela Sawtell , 21 November 2011 · 1359 views

2 Samuel 22:26 "To the faithful You show Yourself faithful, to the blameless You show Yourself blameless."

He is faithful in the little things. He is faithful in the big things. He has always been faithful and always will be. His promise to show Himself faithful to those who are faithful allows me to face the harsh winds, but it does not leave me exposed in that place. His faithfulness is the only thing that allows me to face the realities and the frailness of my own existence and still know God's love and grace. This is the hope that I am growing to understand—the faithfulness of God lived out day to day. I am thankful to have seen an example of this in the life of my grandmother, who passed away in October of this year.

I bring this up because of the blistering fact that we live in a broken world. The world hardly knows what to do with someone who lives their life faithfully as an outpouring of God's character. Surely a person like that must have some sort of alterior motive! The world screams, "Do what you want when you want to!" It ridicules those who live their lives with consist faith day in and day out.

On a deeper level, the promises that come with truly believing in the Faithful One is what the world most craves. It desires peace, joy, contentment, love, hope, and reconciliation. These are the things that are known by those who choose to live faithful lives.

There is something remarkable about these individuals...they are faith-filled to the brim. In other words, they are the warriors of the faith to whom we all aspire our own lives to look like. If I desire to be a person who has the faith to move mountains, I must live faithfully. If I look at the lives of the heroes of the faith, I see daily choices compounded into extraordinary results. God takes those daily choices and uses them for something supernatural.

So here are the questions: What does it look like to live a faith-filled life on a daily basis? What are some characteristics that you recognize in those people who faithfully walk with the Lord? What are some things you have chosen to make a part of your own daily walk as a demonstration of your desire to know God's faithfulness?

I'll get you started with just a few of many examples I have noticed from Hebrews 11:
1. Faith-filled people faithfully rely upon God and are expectant that He is working. (Hebrews 11:6)
2. Faith-filled people faithfully reject sin in their lives. They desire to see God's righteousness. (Hebrews 11:13)
3. Faith-filled people faithfully recognize that God fulfills all promises in His own timing. (Hebrews 11:13)
4. Faith-filled people faithfully raise up and bless the next generation. (Hebrews 11:20)
5. Faith-filled people faithfully place their security and hope in the Lord and are not afraid of uncertain times. (Hebrews 11:23)

Joan Phillips
Nov 29 2011 10:51 AM
Wonderful post! Thanks for your example of faithfulness, even in uncertain times!! Joan
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Laurie Collett
Nov 29 2011 01:09 PM
Thank you for this inspirational post, reminding us of God's unfailing faithfulness, and of how faithful people can be an example to their children and those around them, as Eunice was for Timothy. As the song says, "May those who come behind us find us faithful." A great incentive to be faithful is not to be a stumbling block to those whose eyes are watching us. Thanking God for His faithfulness does so much to dispel fear and doubt, and to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Him.
Laurie Collett, Saved by Grace
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Angela Sawtell
Dec 01 2011 05:02 PM
Thank you for your comments Joan and Laurie. All praise to our Faithful God!
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