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Where is the Light?

Posted by Ruthie Hankins , 21 February 2012 · 1423 views

mobilization Matthew 28:19 Great Commission
If you go to NASA's "photo of the day website", you can find a 2007 world map showing how much electric light is visible on the earth from space. It is interesting to see that the eastern U.S. is almost totally lit up as is most of Europe, India, Japan and large parts of Asia. South America has its bright spots on the northern Caribbean Coast, eastern Brazil and on down through parts of Argentina. Africa is pretty dark except for some areas of South Africa and the north African coast. I admit, this is a really cool photo and it pretty much shows to what areas of the world "civilization" or "progress" has reached.

<a href="http://apod.nasa.gov.../ap001127.html" target="_blank">Click here</a> for the electric light map.

But there is another, similar map I want to point you to. It too shows points of light on a world map. On this map, the U.S. again is very bright, but so is South America. Korea is almost glowing, and you can see lights all over Australia. Here though, India is pretty dark. The big difference between these two maps comes when you look at Africa and Europe. The northern third of the African continent is still in darkness, but the rest of the land mass is sprinkled with groups of lights. Europe, in contrast, looks like it has had a power outage. Maybe you've guessed that the map I'm talking about is one that shows where the "Light of the World" is shining. <a href="http://public.imb.or...-Hi-Res-02.pdf" target="_blank">Click Here</a>

I'd like to pose a few questions for you to consider as you compare these two maps.

1. How much of a correlation is there between bringing modern conveniences (such as electricity) to a region and bringing them the light of Jesus? As Christ-followers, can we bring one without the other? How might they go hand in hand? Is one a priority over the other?

2. How has the light of Jesus spread around the world? How did it get to where you live? FROM where you live, where has it gone out TO? How is it going to penetrate all those dark areas of the map? Do you have a part to play?

3. What about the areas where the light used to shine brightly (I’m thinking the Middle East--where it all started-- and Europe)? Why has the light dimmed? Is there hope for the light to shine brightly there once again? What kind of warning could this be for places where the light is currently very bright?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these questions. Or maybe you've come up with MORE questions. Share them in the comments box below and let's see where the discussion goes.

Joan Phillips
Feb 22 2012 01:30 PM
This is awesome! thanks for posting. In answer to your questions: can we bring one without the other? How might they go hand in hand?
I believe that would depend on the area. But providing for tangible needs builds relationships that will bear the weight of truth, giving us opportunity to tell people what compels us to help them.
I find it fascinating that there is less light from electricity than from the light of Jesus in Latin America PTL
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