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Are we Going to do Anything or Just Talk About it?

Posted by dcheshier , 01 January 2012 · 1020 views

All of us have gone to meetings where wise decisions were made and risks assumed. We have also likely been to those where decisions never were made and risks avoided. Two words come to mind as I think about how a meeting proceeds.

delve: to look into, investigate, research, probe, dig into, explore, inquire into, examine, dive into, fish for, plunge into, turn up or loosen the earth, plow into.

shelve: hold in abeyance, prorogue, to skim over, ignore, neglect, not notice, defer, put on hold, abandon, drop, table, forget, set aside, dismiss, hold over, freeze, stall, put on the back burner.

With the current 'economic situation' tightening our church, business and personal 'coffers', it would be a justifiable decision to put things on hold...trips, pursuing new endeavors etc...until times are better. As a missions pastor I have direct responsibility for resources devoted to missions and I feel a great tension between 'launching out in faith' and 'being sure we can pay for pursuits'. The godly people of our church Missions Team use wisdom in committing those resources throughout the year but the tension remains.

By the way, can we just accept the recession, (or whatever label you want to put on it)as the way it it going to be for a while, and quit looking at daily or monthly indicators to tell us we are coming out of it? Must we live only motivated by the fact that one day soon, we will return to the life of abundance (excess?)we once knew and loved? OOPS! I accidentally stepped on a soap box; I thought I was stepping over a box my Christmas present came in!

Let me remind us of our C&MA saying "Press into the Darkness"
Let me remind us of the Great Commission..."Go"
Let me remind us to "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest"
and so on and so forth!

Not one of these commands above (or many others), follow with the word 'if'. Hold on! This doesn't justify reckless pursuits, notice I said above...use wisdom. But let us not shrink back from being as James 1:25 says "effectual doers"

As we walk humbly with Christ, sensitive to the Holy Spirit, patiently listening to God's voice through His godly ones and His Word, let us move forward 'til the whole world knows'!

Jan 03 2012 06:19 PM
You are right in that if we wait for the perfect time and trust in ourselves we will still be waiting....... and never "go" God will direct our paths if we choose to hear him and act wisely by reading his word and through quiet time and prayer and seek wise council with trusted other believers.The devil exists and tries to drown our minds with his lies and plans for evil,but he has already been defeated and with Jesus all things are possible,this I hold onto and thank God for always.Wonderful topic dcheshier,thank you.
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