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We probably don't want everyone in the church making disciples!

Posted by Ralph Trainer , 05 November 2012 · 1343 views

Recently I heard Francis Chan speak at a Catalyst Conference on "Making Disciples" He said, "We probably don't want everyone in this room making disciples!"

He went on to say, "We know there are people in this room right now who are cheating on their spouses, so why would I tell you, "Go, duplicate yourselves." There are people in here who are greedy, arrogant...some of you don't really love and know Jesus, so why would we multiply that?

I thought, "He's not talking to me!" I love Jesus, I know Jesus!

He went on ... Because some of you don't really act like Jesus. People don't look at your life and say you're just like Jesus or you remind me of Jesus... so why would we want more of you?

I'd like you to think of one word to describe you! Go ahead, do it! One word that you think describes you. Now let me ask you, is the word that you thought of a characteristic of Christ? And if it's not, may I suggest that you've missed the mark.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:1 is "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ."

So I'm to look at myself and ask, "Am I reflecting Christ? Am I becoming more and more like Christ? I hope so. And, then, part of being like Christ is making disciples.

It just seems to me that each one of us should be able to look behind us and see someone that we are intentionally discipling. And further, each one of us should be so connected to an international worker that is discipling a national.

So...are the disciples we're making Christ-like, because they are following us as we follow Christ? And, are you intentionally disciple someone?

  • Peter Burgo, Lois Kennedy, Diane Fox and 5 others like this

Robert Sanford
Nov 06 2012 07:47 AM
Great post Ralph, but I'm still not going to tell you my word.
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Ruthie Hankins
Nov 07 2012 08:57 AM
This may be obvious, but it took a couple of days to filter through my brain. Those people who we don't want to be MAKING disciples are ones that need to BE discipled.

But are they open to it?
When and how do you challange people to BE discipled. When you see someone making poor choices, do you confront them? Do you wait until you have built some kind of relationship with them first? Do you just pray that God will convict them? Do you wait and hope that the Sunday sermon will be directed toward them?

I think it's got to be a combination of all of these. We pray for conviction and openness. We build relationships in order to be granted the opportunity to speak into someone's life. And all this is under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We must let him work first and then be available as HE leads to confront the person. And all this must come from a heart of compassion and concern rather than a desire for the other person to "get his act together".

Just some thoughts that I have been mulling over recently.
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