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Living with a Tiger at the Door

Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 28 March 2007 · 711 views

When we know there's a tiger in the area, we are extra careful to avoid it. When it's at our front door, its intentions are more obvious and we have reason for great concern.

At the moment, the US C&MA has a tiger at the door. A documented problem that's more than a decade old, healthy giving to the Great Commission Fund (that keeps pace with increases in local church income), is standing there. Its presence is being acutely felt by missionaries facing 7% allowance cutbacks with district superintendents and national office leaders facing 10% ones. With ministry costs rising and incredible opportunities before us, the latest is we'll be preparing a flat budget for the new fiscal year, possibly even a budget that's 2% less than last year's. This is because of the tiger.

What's the response when the tiger shows up? The easiest response is to do nothing . . . or just run away and hide. Another common reaction is to try to chase the tiger away. Some would even suggest a plan to kill the tiger. While all of these are possibilities, they assume the tiger has come for destructive purposes.

But is there another way of understanding the tiger? I believe there is. Just seeing him there puts me on my toes. I tend to think differently when he's around. I'm sharper, more alert and creative. My attitudes and behaviors are more circumspect. I'm forced to trust God more fully than when the tiger's far away. His uncomfortable presence at the door results in my having the courage to try that which I would not do in times of ease.

"Thank you, Father, for the tiger at our door. While I don't like having him there, I realize you may have reasons for allowing him to come. Give me eyes to see what you want me to see, and teach me what you desire that I learn. Give me a sensitive, discerning heart during these days. I'm ready and willing to change, under your lordship, to better spread your fame and reknown. And don't rescue me until you've fulfilled your purposes for sending the tiger. In the name of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Amen."

written from Conakry, Guinea

May 2024

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