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Double minded or multiple perspectives???

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#1 Fireweed Trekker

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Posted 08 October 2018 - 09:48 PM

I don't know if this is psychobabble or a verbal shell game, or what:


Double minded? What is this critter aka (double minded) on the hook?


Multiple perspectives: To me that is looking at a problem or a set(s) of ever-changing; ongoing; no end in sight (in this life) to manage or leading to resolution from different viewpoints.


Considering multitasking may not be "flexible" or fast enough to be current...even in retirement....

B?  & C?

#2 reader


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Posted 15 October 2018 - 05:58 AM


 MW_logo.pngSINCE 1828

double-minded adjective
Definition of double-minded 



double-minded man unstable in all his ways— James 1:8 (Revised Standard Version)

2marked by hypocrisy INSINCERE


#3 Guest_Marvin Harrell_*

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Posted 16 October 2018 - 07:05 AM

I don't know if this is psychobabble or a verbal shell game, or what:


Double minded? What is this critter aka (double minded) on the hook?


Multiple perspectives: To me that is looking at a problem or a set(s) of ever-changing; ongoing; no end in sight (in this life) to manage or leading to resolution from different viewpoints.


Considering multitasking may not be "flexible" or fast enough to be current...even in retirement....


A bit unclear regarding the reason for your post...what are you referring to Fireweed Trekker?



#4 Charles Miles

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Posted 25 October 2018 - 10:41 AM

Like Marvin, I can`t connect your post to another post. I will agree that being "double minded" strikes me as one who is unable to decide, and a decision must be made.  Maybe the question may have been presented about being a born-again Christian and still having sin in one`s life. The next question is...can a sinner be saved?  As hard as I try, I still sin on occasion, but that does not disqualify me from heaven. Jesus came into this world for just such sinners as me. I do not claim to be perfect, sinless, and able on my own to present myself before God as a perfect sacrifice. But I do have an advocate who speaks to God about me every day, and by His grace, I am righteous.  THAT is what gets me into heaven. I`m sorry I sin, I am, but I do and I know I do. To claim I do not sin would be like me walking miles through a muddy swamp, crawling out on the other side, and having someone ask if I had any mud on me. As hard as I try, that mud just sticks and clings, but the blood of God`s Lamb cleans it all off just fine. With the grace of our Lord, God sees us differently than we see ourselves. 


Praise God for what He has done and continues to do in our lives.



#5 Tkulp


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Posted 28 October 2018 - 11:43 PM

Fireweed Trekker,


I don't hang out here very much anymore, but was lead to your statement/question through the sidebar on Tozer's devotional.


I believe that you are correct with your idea of "Multiple perspectives". (The input from two different or opposing spirits.)


"James 1:7-8 ...he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, since he is a double-minded individual, unstable in all his ways."


Simple as I can state it, faith comes from intimate relationship, (hearing and obeying). Doubt comes from Satan, disobedience, as result of being conformed to this world and its philosophies. We can not serve two masters!


Strong's Greek Dictionary defines 'double minded' as "two spirited, that is, vacillating (in opinion or purpose)". Thayer's Greek Definitions adds the idea of "divided in interests".


People that believe Satan's lies about life and eternity and "try" to be Christian are two spirited. They have one foot in the Word and one foot in the World.


James says that they are unstable in all their ways. A 'way' is a path or road with a destination. You can not go to two different destinations at the same time!


You can not love God and the World at the same time, but many so called 'Christians' believe that they can and that Jesus will fix it all in the end. This idea is confusion and not supported by the Spirit of the Word of God.


Back to your statement... "To me that is looking at a problem or a set(s) of ever-changing; ongoing; no end in sight (in this life) to manage or leading to resolution from different viewpoints."


Yes, this is true if you are double minded (two spirited), in this life, as well, you will be in the next, according to my reading of the Word of God.


Humanism, Feminism and Psychology are the Worlds way. Satan has convinced mankind that they can be a part of Christianity. This idea is double mindedness! Those philosophies are truly opposites of God's way. The world and its philosophies feeds and edifies the self-life or flesh. God's way says that the self-life or flesh must die; totally dead.


In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus shares the concept that a bad plant can not produce good fruit, nor can a good plant produce bad fruit.


Every one must evaluate the fruit of their lives! Is it good or bad? You can try all you want to be good but, if you are regularly producing bad fruit it is because you are growing on a bad plant; rooted in the world and your flesh.


It should be common knowledge that there is not a plant in creation that has to "TRY" or "WORK' at producing "fruit" of its own kind, whether nourishing or poisonous, for the one that eats it!


Fruit is the natural, effortless product, of any plant, for the purpose of recreating 'like' life or new plants of its own kind.


John 15 is very clear in the idea that Jesus is the vine that we are to be grafted in to Him, as a branch, in order that we will no longer produce bad fruit but good fruit. His sap (His divine influence) must be continually flowing through us.


The Father is the gardener that will cut off and burn any branch that does not produce fruit, but He prunes the branches that are producing fruit in order that they will produce more and better fruit.


Our responsibility is to put on the robe of righteousness we have been given, real grace, the divine influence; which is found by sitting intimately and faithfully at the feet of Jesus; with a passion of heart and mind, for being taught by the Holy Spirit.


If you choose to sit at the feet of the world; the media feed from internet and TV, etc. you will be influenced by the world and its philosophies, instead of the Divine. You will be double minded, and, as you stated, ever trying to solve your problems from the worlds continually changing viewpoints.


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Truth and the ONLY way, (path or road) to life and the Father. Remember the fact that an individual can not be on two different paths at the same time without confusion and being unstable in all their ways!


Those that Jesus called to be followers immediately changed paths. They left their boats and nets, their source of livelihood, immediately, to follow Jesus, to learn and become like Him. Theirs was not just a confession of belief.


Their actions were a fruit of their beliefs. Their actions were not 'works' that they had to 'try' to do to get eternal life! With out their actions of leaving the world's way they could never have been Jesus' disciples. Without their 'faithfulness' and 'obedience' they would never have become apostles producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the seeds of which brought new life to those that ate that supernatural fruit.


Thanks for your sincere comment about the mind of the modern, double minded, confused believer!!


Please understand that their is a way, through the intimate divine influence of Jesus Christ, which brings light that dispels all darkness, as well as the the powers of darkness! Jesus is the Light! He died that we might be totally free from the power of self and sin as He comes to live within those that follow His path. Take up your cross and follow Him! It leads to abundant Life!




PS Simpson's devotional for today October 28, 2018 is really good in application. "It is not our success in service that counts, but our fidelity."  <https://www.cmallian...mmdd=1028>    

Matthew 7:15-23

#6 Fireweed Trekker

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Posted 30 October 2018 - 09:22 PM

I'm sorry about the fish on the hook analogy...try telling a game warden that the untagged steel-head is actually a sardine...I'm looking for concrete identifying specifics.

Psychology...I don't deep six it, there are relevant parts to it, if you have the experience and perspective relevant to the case in question. Case in point would you as a Vietnam-era veteran rather see a Psychologist who only has academia and no real life background and no Biblical grounding or someone who served in the military, been in country and knows the pain, fear, blood, the brotherhood of having been there, knows when to call a spade a spade, gets a firm biblical grounding, goes on to to school and becomes a psychologist. I choose the latter (and did) because he knew what PTSD is and what to do. Most clergy and people had a deer in the headlight look twenty years ago. That gets into 2 Cor 1:3-12 dealing with comforting the afflicted. Things like that is when the band-aids come out en masse because it doesn't cost us.
Don't get me wrong, part of what attracts me to the CMA is the fact they were in the thick of Vietnam serving the Vietnamese and our military while serving Christ in the thick of it.

B?  & C?

#7 Tkulp


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Posted 16 November 2018 - 11:45 AM

Mankind, even in the Church, is full of people with different perspectives; different answers to the issues involving our mind and body. What is truth? What is deception? Are we supposed to multi-task; presume that we know all the answers; or live and let live?


What would the first and second century martyrs have to tell us about the psychology of dying under the latest fad of slow torture. How do methods of slowly destroying the body compare with modern study of slowly destroying the mind, while leaving life in the body?


What are the answers that will solve the problems of life, death and everything inbetween? ...or are we to accept whatever is dished out to us as our lot in life, lived without question?


The bottom line to me and for me; I do believe that we are from the same generation; is the real, true, answers in man's experiences, inventions, drugs, the sciences? ...or in knowing, for real, the mind of Christ and the heart of God? Satan convinced the woman in Genesis that God was deceiving them and that the partaking of the forbidden would not cause them to die, but would make them like the gods.


God chose a different road for me, as a teenager, than the road that you traveled. I was attending a very small Wesleyan College when I had to make the decision of my military registration. I went with the Student Deferment since I was in college.


In Bible all of my tests were A's yet I received an F one semester because of my poor attendance record. I also was offered to try a free sample of LSD by a fellow student on the campus. During this time Nixon introduced the lottery draft. I was so disgusted at the hypocrisy that I saw, at that college, that I felt to change my draft deferment from S-1 to A-1 and let God decide where He wanted me. I was never called into the military, but left that college.


That is the way that I have lived my life, learning to hear and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.


When I try to share that with others a problem arises, Most people have different perspectives or ideas as to what "following the Holy Spirit" means. The possibilities are many and varied, depending on background and experiences. From a normal human perspective, each individual believes that their way is "Truth", even when some of the ways may be totally opposite of another's perspective of "Truth".


I did not grow up as a militant, like King David, so I do not feel as though I must prove or defend any of my perspective of life and the answers to life. I can not hope to convince a person trained in the ways of Louis Pasteur, who wants to kill all bacteria, both good and bad, in the human body, in order to bring healing, that Pasteur's methods are not the best.


For some reason, known only to them, they do not see or understand that God designed the body to fight disease and heal the body from the results of attacks. The, maybe, over simplified solution is to find out why evil has the upper hand and then to stop doing what is wrong, or what is feeding the wrong.


This can also be applied to the spirit of man. If people would surrender their minds totally to the influence of the divine, not being conformed to the world's way. The mind of Christ, which we can have, will immediately kill any evil thoughts that the enemy would plant in the mind.


Most people do not want to eat, what they know in there hearts, is good for them. They choose to eat junk that weakens the immune system and take drugs that give a false, temporary fix to one problem, while causing bad side effects.


So most people could not imagine living without the news, weather, social media, and other conformity to the world; walking through the swamp, if you will. While the Kings Holy Highway, which is toll free, appears to be boring with its straight and narrow appearance. There seems to be no reasonable comparison to the adventure and the pleasures of the broad swamp road with all the variety of people to meet and share with.


I do not send any ministry away from my door as they come believing that they have found the answer and wanting to share their idea of 'truth,' that they have found, with me.


I listen, ask questions and share what the Holy Spirit is teaching me. They either listen or say that they need to be leaving.


It is sad, when one really comes to realize the fact, that there are so many, seemingly, good perspectives to the Bible, its purpose and function in the lives of humanity.


What is the Truth and how do we find it?  Studying the Bible and Commentaries? Studying the philosophies of man and using what works for each individual? ...or could it be by totally rejecting the world's way in order to hear, learn and understand God's way? Personally I see multiple perspectives and a lot of presumption mixed with deception as people pursue some form of the world's good life; even the humanist's form of Godliness without the supernatural power.


If you seek the Lord with "ALL" your heart, body, soul and mind; rejecting all of the ways of the world, even the 'love' of life itself, you will find Truth and real life!


Even as I write this I see the different twists and perspectives that readers can have and I am sure will take on what I have posted. I can not reveal Truth! Only the Holy Spirit can reveal Truth, giving the wisdom and ability to walk in that Truth!


What is a cow? How do I identify a cow? Man can make some pretty good imitations.


What is human? Will you be able to identify the androids from real humans in 20 years?


What is clean? Using anti-bacterial products all the time?


What is safe? Living by faith in seat-belts, airbags, or a padded house?


What am I and how do I know?  I know what I am by the fruit that my life produces when I am suddenly and unexpectedly squeezed. Do people who 'eat my lunch' like the taste?  What I do and meditate on when I think that no one will know or see. Etc,


Jesus taught that a good tree can 'only' produce good fruit. A bad tree can 'only' produce bad fruit. That is rather black and white for me. It does not allow for multiple perspectives in my life.


The giants look just as big to me as they do to anyone else! The waves and storms just as threatening as they looked to the disciples.


The issue is, "Do I believe that when God says to move that He will show and/or provide the way, as I trust and obey?" Do I believe the 10 spies that said the giants are to big for us, or the two that said with God we can conquer.


Every man is right in his own eyes, but God knows the heart and weighs the motives. The Revelation says that we will all have to answer for what we have done.


May all know, by experience and fruit, what it is to be grafted into the vine, the Temple of God, to have the Kingdom of God upon you.

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By Tkulp in Devotion to Christ, Holiness and an Intimate, Faithful Walk, on 28 October 2018 - 11:45 PM

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