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A Strategic Question

Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 10 June 2009 · 720 views

Here's a huge question that has been stalking me for weeks now. If we brought every US Alliance international worker home and started all over again, where would we go? In other words, if we could make a fresh start today, to what countries would we go? What countries would we not go to? Let's ponder this question in our hearts for a few moments . . .

In some places where we have people today, we'd continue. In other places, we'd say,

Having missionaries in this country last century was important, but it's not as needed now. Today there are Alliance churches and many other partners there who can carry on the work. In alignment with the heart of the Apostle Paul and A.B. Simpson, let's go to places and peoples where access to the gospel is critically low . . . that those who have not yet been told about him will see, and those who have not yet heard will understand.

If we're in countries we would not go to, we should put a transition plan in place and with resolve, graciously, gradually exit. History tells us those churches will get along much better without us than most of us would think . . . because even though we are no longer there, God is! And the more they depend upon him rather than us, the healthier they'll be.

The result of thinking through this strategic question well helps us see where we need to be going to push back the darkness!

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