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Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 16 October 2008 · 946 views

A car jack enables leveraging. When I need to change a tire, the jack enables me to multiply or leverage my strength to lift up the car. The jack enables me to do more quickly and with greater ease and effectiveness what would otherwise take four or five really strong men much more effort to do.

When thinking about leveraging, I realize there are opportunities to put this idea into practice in kingdom work. But I must be constantly on the lookout, asking God to show me leveraging opportunities, that which will give tactical advantage, that will multiply my efforts and effectiveness.

Jesus used this principle in his interaction with the Pharisees in Matthew 22. As they tried to trap him in his own words regarding matters in the law, he asked them, "Show me the coin used for paying the tax" (Matthew 22:19). When they brought a coin to him, he pointed to the picture and inscription of Caesar stamped on it. He went on, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" (verse 21). He immediately overcame their arguments. He could have chosen to just state this principle. But he wisely saw a leveraging opportunity to convey it in a powerful form that everyone listening would quickly understand. By leveraging, the impact was much greater.

A local church wanted its senior high students to get engaged in giving to God's work. A missionary came wanting the church to be a part of her support team. A wise leader saw a leveraging opportunity. "We'll match up to $500 over the next twelve months any money you can raise from our senior high youth." As a result, the missionary was moved to focus her efforts on the senior high students, impacting them and getting them engaged in supporting missions. And for every dollar she raised from them, the church added another dollar for her support.

As you look at your investment in the work of the kingdom, ask God to give you eyes to discern leveraging opportunities. They're there . . . we just have to see them and use them wisely for that advance of the cause of Christ.

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