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A Greater Grace

Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 05 November 2007 · 781 views

"Do you really think God can use me?" I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she asked me this question. She went on to explain that her life was a string of poor decisions, one compromise with sin after another. Her sense of regret and brokenness was palpable. As our conversation progressed, it was clear guilt returned to visit her often, making her feel unuseable in the Kingdom of God.

Similar questions have been voiced to me by other Christ followers, especially ones in their twenties and thirties. Looking at their tarnished pasts and the struggles they've had, they sincerely wonder if God can use them. Overflowing with remorse, they express honest doubt about their contributing anything of lasting value for Christ.

Oh, how I yearn for them to be freed! How I long for them to grasp God's grace which is so much greater than all their sin. My deep deisre is that they be overwhelmed by this truth: "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our trangressions from us" (Psalms 103:12).

Having doubts about whether or not God can use you? He specializes in using broken, clay vessels to display his glory! No matter what your past is, his redemption is real. You are a new creation in Christ . . . and he can use and empower you in incredible ways for his purposes!

In humility and dependence upon him, give him all of yourself . . . and then stand amazed at what he can do in and through a wholly devoted follower!

May 2024

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