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What Would I Say?

Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 29 February 2008 · 935 views

In a May 2007 study done by the Joshua Project (www.joshuaproject.net), Central Asia was put forward as the region of the world with the highest concentration of least reached peoples. The report indicates that 96.3% of the people of Central Asia are "least reached". (For North, Central, and Latin America, the number was less than 1%.) This means for Central Asia to be reached, it's necessary for Christ-followers to cross ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and even national boundaries to present by Word and deed to the peoples of Central Asia the good news about Jesus Christ. Otherwise, there aren't enough Kingdom resources among the peoples of Central Asia for them to do this on their own. Outside help is absolutely essential.

Here are some honest questions as I think about Central Asia. Would I be willing to go through the pain and hassle to move there with my family, to learn the language and culture of a Central Asian people so as to be one of Christ's representatives among them? Would I be willing to have my children educated in Central Asia instead of North America? Would I live in a small, somewhat Spartan apartment where frequent cuts in electricity are common? What about being far from the excellent medical care available in North America? Would I accept life in political and economic situations that are much less stable than my own country, where security is far from being assured? The restaurants and recreational, leisure activities I enjoy now wouldn't be there. Many I love would not be there with me . . . they'd be thousands of miles away. Most of the people of Central Asia would not even want me there . . . some would overtly oppose my coming and could even be threatening to me. How would I respond? What would I say?

Could it be that the comfort, great opportunities, and security my generation in North America enjoy could be lulling us to sleep? Bottom line: If these mean more to us than anything else in the world, God will have to call on others to reach Central Asia . . . or wait for a another generation like the Alliance workers who headed to Vietnam in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

Some of those brave, committed souls never came home. They're buried in Vietnam. And the Alliance family of churches there now numbers over 1,000,000 believers as it continues to grow.

As they laid themselves in the line for the peoples of Vietnam, may we today be ready to lay ourselves on the line for the unreached of Central Asia . . . and wherever they're found throughout the world! This is our mission, given by Christ . . . who is worthy of our giving our all for Him. He died to redeem these people, and we're the ones called to bear this message.

May 2024

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