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Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 15 August 2006 · 801 views

Big-hearted people are generous. They give of who they are, of what they can do, and of what they have. They find joy in giving, they even love to give.

The C&MA is rich in big-hearted people. I've met a gifted surgeon who could be rakin' in the bucks. Instead he's in a jungle hospital in Africa living on a missionary allowance while caring for the sick and dying. For me he's a big-hearted hero.

I know an elderly woman on a fixed income who spends hours praying for people she's never met personally. She gives sacrificially to support the work of Alliance missions. She consistently pours out love on her neighbors and family. She goes to the nursing home to talk to neglected and forgotten people there, listening to them and bringing them hope. Her heart is big.

A friend of mine is a successful businessman who travels internationally. He often plans an extra day in his trip to visit with Alliance missionaries serving in tough places, taking them out to nice restaurants and encouraging them. His gains in business are used to advance the kingdom. Another big heart!

There are many, many more examples. The lesson is this: "Lord, help me to have a BIG HEART! May I crucify self with all its passion to gain more for me. As self is pruned away and withers, may there be increasing space for You to reign as Lord. May selfishness be replaced by Christ-like selflessness. Like you, Loving Father, may I have a BIG HEART!"

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