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A Barn Full Of Believers

Posted by DennisM , 28 December 2013 · 1266 views

A Barn Full Of Believers I read a devotional not too long ago from Our Daily Bread titled "Hard to Imagine" and it got me thinking about my most fondest memory of running. In August of 2007 I completed my first 50 mile ultra-marathon, the Baker Trail Ultra Challenge. Located on the Baker Trail just north of the City of Pittsburgh this challenging 50 mile scenic footrace has a time limit of 14 hours and because of the varying terrain it is more mentally demanding than similar ultras. Although I had trained hard and disciplined my body rigorously for this event I finished next to last and within 13 minutes of a possible "DNF" (Did Not Finish)!

Throughout this run I've met a lot of interesting people from all over and the camaraderie we runners shared on that hot and blistery day made the challenges we faced all the worth while. The aid stations were packed with plenty of goodies to refuel our nearly depleted bodies and the dedicated folks who manned them were never short on encouragement or kindness. As I traversed through the terrain I could remember a feeling in every fiber of my being that this was where I was supposed to be. It was inexplicable yet every moment throughout this race was so invigorating that I had never felt more alive!

Towards the end of my journey the nighttime brought in dark clouds, thunder, lightning, and lots of rain. I would find out later that my friend's dad had driven out on to the course searching for me with the intent of picking me up and bringing me back to take shelter from the storm.

"If I had found you would you have come with me?" My friend's dad asked me after the race.

"Not a chance." I replied unflinchingly.

With only a few miles left to go I knew that I hadn't come all this way for nothing and so I pressed on. I was determined to finish this race! Meanwhile the severe weather that evening forced some runners to withdraw while those who had already completed the race were packed tightly into an old wooden barn located at the finish line. What made this race an especially wonderful experience was how it all tied in together at the end. Despite finishing almost dead last and to my surprise I was literally greeted by a barn full of runners! As I entered the barn they all applauded and cheered with such tremendous enthusiasm it was as though I had won first prize. It was a feeling that has since yet to be matched anywhere else.

This amazing event has helped me to visualize what that day will be like when our race here on earth is finally complete and imagining all the people we'll meet who have run the Great Race of the faith before us. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us that, "we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith". One can only imagine running through the gates of heaven, crossing that finish line as we run straight into the arms of our Lord and King while being surrounded by a "barn full of believers". What a glorious day that will be!

So my friends, today "let us run with endurance the race that is set before us".

Run to Win,

May 2024

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