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Did I Miss Something?

Posted by James P. McGarvey , 25 February 2011 · 1004 views

According to Lifesite News, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), "... defines marriage federally as a union between one man and one woman, and prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex unions as marriages.” I thought that when you were sworn in as the President of the U.S., you swore to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. and the laws of the land. DOMA was passed by the U.S. Congress (the Legislative branch of our government) and signed into law by President Bill Clinton (the Executive branch of our government). It is the law of the land whether President Obama, the Attorney General or homosexual activists like it or not. It has not been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court (the Judicial branch of our government) therefore is to be enforced by the Executive branch of the government, in particular, the President who is the chief law enforcement officer of the land and the U.S. Justice Department headed by President Obama's hand picked Attorney General, Eric Holder. Why then has President Obama decided not to defend the law of the land? Is he taking on the prerogatives of the legislative branch in deciding he doesn't like the law or the judicial branch in determining it is unconstitutional? This is the height of executive arrogance - to say nothing of the moral implications of his efforts to redefine the timeless Biblical and historic Judeo-Christian position of one man/one woman marriage. That is me, a man (pictured), seated with two of my three offspring, the result of my marriage to my wife (woman) Beth.

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  • Attached Image: Chris, Ashley & Dad 10-17-10.jpg


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