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No Time For Silence

Posted by James P. McGarvey , 25 July 2010 · 1221 views

I have watched a brief YouTube video message (see link below) from my friend Pastor Arnold Culbreath to the pastors of America. It is a plea for their help in speaking about abortion in their churches. Rev. Culbreath is the Urban Outreach Director of Protecting Black Life (www.protectingblacklife.org). Millions of post-abortive men and women in the churches of American are waiting for their pastors to speak these simple words publicly, "As your pastor, as your church family, we are here for you - to help bear your burden as you seek forgiveness, healing and restoration from the sin of abortion." On September 27, of last year, Mrs. Vicki Aspey wrote the following on Facebook, "The post-abortive women sitting in church on a Sunday morning need to hear about forgiveness for ALL SIN through Jesus Christ, but when discussing sin, discuss THIS SIN!!! Contrary to what Satan has led the majority to think, abortion is not the unforgiveable sin so many think it is...women need to know there is healing and hope in Christ that they may also forgive themselves. Until this issue is spoken of in church settings openly, more mothers will also take their own daughters for abortions, the worse thing a caring mother should EVER do to her daughter!" These are passionate words form a woman who aborted three of her own children. Later that same day she posted the following in response to one of my posts, "Thank you, James...Your heart is so full of what I pray for all the pastors today!..Think if all of the 1 in 4 in the church who are post-abortive would get healing how much more effective the ministry of the church would be! That's why this issue can no longer be shrouded in secrecy and those who've experienced [abortion] need to feel love and not condemnation. Praying for America to have a revival on this issue!!!" Those are powerful words. I believe that revival could very well sweep through the Church if pastors would address the abortion issue in their church with grace and truth. I have dedicated my life to serve the Church to that end. Pastors, please hear the words of Mrs. Aspey and Rev. Culbreath. God is waiting to pour out his redemptive grace upon the post-abortive in your church. Let's not continue to hinder His work by our silence regarding abortion. Lay aside any reasons or fears that have fueled the silence. The blood of Jesus covers the sin of abortion and His grace can heal the deepest wounds of the post-abortive. Recently, a pastor in Broward County told me that after attending an event sponsored by Hope Women's Centers, he spoke on abortion in his church. After his message and words from his post-abortive wife, thirty-one women came forward for spiritual help. This pastor's experience confirms the appeal written to pastors by Pastor Randy Alcorn, “We must not stay away from this subject for fear of 'laying a guilt trip' on women in our churches who have had abortions. On the contrary, we must address it for their sake. There can be no healing without forgiveness, no forgiveness without confession and repentance, and no confession and repentance until abortion is clearly seen to be sin. If we don’t speak out, our people will continue to suffer – and continue to kill their babies- without knowing the forgiveness and healing of Christ. The sorrow that comes from facing the reality of abortion is not to be avoided. It is a 'godly sorrow' that leads to forgiveness and 'leaves no regret' (2 Corinthians 7:10). Without it there can be no healing and wholeness." He continues, "We must not be deceived into thinking that we need only wait for spiritual revival to come and solve the abortion problem. It is our responsibility to draw near to God by dealing with our sin and guilt, so that he is free to come near and bless us. Revival is likely not to precede, but to follow our coming to terms with child-killing.” (ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, 2000, p. 295) I believe that God views the killing of the unborn as the most egregious sin plaguing our land. Their blood cries out from the ground for His vengeance. We should therefore be placing ourselves at His mercy and doing every thing possible to end legalized child killing. And unless we are willing to share the grace of God's forgiveness to the post-abortive parents of the 52 million unborn children aborted since 1973, they will continue to bear the crushing burden of guilt, shame and bondage without hope. Jesus is their only hope and the Church is His voice. (You can watch Rev. Culbreath's YouTube message to pastors at http://www.youtube.c...?v=xh8ZQ6iesXw.)
Note from James P. McGarvey: After being laid off the staff of Hope Women's Centers as the result of a major ministry downsizing in December 2008, the Lord has confirmed His call to serve the Church in its response to the abortion crisis in our nation. I am available to serve the church in its efforts to communicate the Biblical message of the sanctity of life; to provide a ministry of healing to the post-abortive in their church and community; and to serve those at risk for abortion through practical and compassionate ministries. I am available as a speaker and consultant in these areas as well as a Biblical expository pulpit and teaching ministry. I can be reached at parson02@bellsouth.net. You can listen to my PowerPoint message (and "notes" slides), "Abortion, the Devil & the Church – Exposing the Satanic Forces Behind Abortion" online at: http://www.rcfonline...nd-the-church/.


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