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Not Home Yet

Posted by Bob Fetherlin , 27 November 2009 · 959 views

The story is told of a couple returning back to their homeland for retirement after close to fifty years of serving overseas. They had faithfully poured themselves out to see local communities of faith established among a people who previously had little if any access to the gospel. After all their toil and tears, they arrived home with no one to meet them at the airport.

The more the husband thought about no one being there to welcome them home, the more he became embittered. "Doesn't anyone care that we gave our lives away for Christ, loving a people very different from us and seeing Christ's church established among them?" His wife urged him to get alone with God and work out the answer to his frustration.

The husband went into the bedroom and closed the door. After more than an hour, he came out with a radiant look on his face. "What happened?" his wife asked.

"God helped me see that we're not home yet," replied the husband.

In whatever you may be doing for the King and the kingdom today, remember that your reward does not come from others here on earth. You're not home yet!

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