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Personal Reflections on a Great Man

Posted by Joseph Beckley , 16 March 2016 · 1072 views

To whomever is reading this I received an email this morning from my former district office that Dr. David Rambo had passed away. And my heart broke.

I will never understand why but David and Ruth Rambo befriended my wife and me over 30 years ago. Befriending Debbie I understand. But I was a simple minister who did not belong in the same room as he and Ruth. I have just always figured that because Debbie was Paul and Carol Hazlett’s daughter he and Ruth sort of HAD to tolerate me because I came with Debbie. I have cherished their kindness, their correspondence, and their love ever since.

I saw Dr. Rambo last just over a couple of years ago—at Shell Pointe Village. Debbie and I were thinking possibly of moving there because of the illness with which I have been diagnosed. He kindly took his time to stop at Neal and Carol Clarke’s condominium—in tennis shorts :-) We laughed, reminisced, and enjoyed each other’s company. He then took time to pray for me—something I will never forget. As he left I followed him out [I was still walking with a cane then] and told him what I am about to tell you. I told him that he and Ruth were two of the nicest and best people I had ever known. And, along with Paul Hazlett, Neal Clarke, Maurice Irvin, and two professors from my seminary, he was one of the greatest men of my acquaintance. One of the kindest and best nights of my life was being invited to dinner at the Irvin’s home in Lexington and they also invited the Rambos. Listening to those wise souls and the stories and reflections of that night, I will carry to my grave. David deeply blessed my life and his wisdom I cherished.

There is a hole now in the universe with which I am familiar. However in God’s realm David is where he has longed to be since 2011. He is reunited with two of the persons who kept his life serene…his beloved Ruth and his Lord Jesus. I will deeply miss him however he dwells now in a place the apostle calls “better by far.”
I need to add one other thought. Dr. Rambo was a deeply reflective, thoughtful, and caring man. He deeply felt the most poignant questions of our souls. And he was never afraid to question or doubt. After Ruth died I think I understood him better than at an time of our friendship. Dr. David Rambo was a great man and my friend.
From my heart………….joseph

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Today, 12:27 AM

He then spent some time praying for me, something I will always remember. I told him what I was going to tell you as I followed him out the door (at the time, I was still using a cane).



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