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I Am On His Mind

Posted by DeVonna , 31 August 2015 · 1048 views

I like to knit. I get a lot of satisfaction out of creating something that has a specific purpose and has the potential to outlast me. When I was growing up I had a knitting Grandmother. Though my Grandmother has passed on to glory, I still keep a single slipper she made me. The partner of the slipper is lost to me now, most likely lost in one of our moves over the years. That single slipper still makes me smile when I see it, because I know, from experience, that I was on her mind while she was making it. I've spoken with other crafters and that's how it is with them as well. When I am making a pair of socks, for instance, I think of the person who will wear it, through out the creative process. Will they like the color and pattern? Will it fit properly? Will the sock last? I can almost picture the person's face when I present them with the finished product.


In Psalm 139:13-18 the Psalmist speaks of his joy in knowing that the Lord Himself, knit him together in his mother's womb and of all the Lord's thoughts toward him, throughout life. We are God's ultimate creation, constantly growing, developing in this life and the Lord is overseeing it all. His word assures us that He is not only aware of our growth, He is intimately involved with it. Think of it! He sees all that we will be and do and loves us still. This gives me help and hope when I mess up, fall short, sin. He knew I would do that, and yet He loves me, He never gives up on me. What a thrill to know that the Lord of the Universe thinks of me, every day of my life.




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