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Why are there so many denominations in the churches? Catholic, Christianity, Johova witnesses etc...

Posted by Pastorjay86 , 31 October 2014 · 1429 views

Why are there so many denominations in the churches? Catholic, Christianity, Johova witnesses etc...
Well, first you have to understand that Christianity is the umbrella, and the denominations within Christianity fan out from about 3 different main traditions: Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. Eastern Orthodox and Catholic are very similar in terms of the expression of their faith, whereas Protestants (for the most part) are discernible different. However, what we have to affirm is that while we have differences in the way we express our faith, we share the same essential teachings about Christ, Salvation, God and Man's Condition. In terms of the basic elements that would define us as Christians, we are family. However, groups like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other splinter groups are considered cults and not orthodox because they do not share the same essentials of the faith. So, while Catholics, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox Christians may differ in the expression of their religion, the informed among us will admit that these branches are legitimate ways to follow Christ. There are many main and plain things of scripture, but then there are some things that are not plain, and at times they become a larger issue (though they shouldn't)--for example, prosperity, baptism, speaking in tongues, gifts of the Holy Spirit, communion, etc.--because some of these things are not plain from scripture in terms of their application today there are divisions between groups. But as I mentioned before, though we believe differently about secondary matters, we are united in the essentials.


OCT 31, 2014

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