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What's Missing In Our Preaching?

Posted by James P. McGarvey , 25 November 2011 · 1366 views

I read Acts chapter nine this morning. The Apostle Paul had an encounter with Jesus Christ on the way to Damascus, is filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately begins to preach the Gospel in the synagogue, proving Jesus was the Messiah. He fled Damascus to escape a murder plot. He goes to Jerusalem and boldly preaches Christ there, debating the Greek speaking Jews. He was sent home to Tarsus to escape a murder plot. I wonder what this says about our preaching. Too watered down - sensitive - or just not powerful and convicting? Reminds me of Luke's account (Luke 4) of Jesus' first sermon given in his home town of Nazareth after his 40 day fast. Jesus "returns to Galilee in the power of the Spirit," where he preaches in the synagogue at Nazareth. His message infuriated them so much that they mobbed him and tried to throw him over a cliff. Makes you wonder what's missing in today's preaching?

Albert Morse
Dec 15 2011 07:49 AM
In my opinion and research at these particular accounts Paul was preaching to a hard and stubborn generation. He was preaching God's law and man's failure to keep it. He was preaching to a works based believers that repentance and trust were what was needed.
If you want to get chased out of town preach in the street to the masses. They don't want to hear you but they need to hear you.
If you want to get into an argument claim that athiesm is foolishness in God's eyes.
If you are preaching in a warm church filled with nice people you will never get chased out of town.
Go find the sinners. Jesus was considered a lush because of the people He hung out with. Do people think you are a lush because you hang out with the wrong crowd???.
In my opinion what's wrong with our preaching is the lack of courageous Christians to go and find sinners. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He might send Harvesters. The fields are white and ready for harvest.
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Aug 10 2012 03:07 AM
I so agree,while I love "going "to church,I am to "be" the church and sometimes I find myself in odd places with those some would question,but if in my prayers of asking God to use me to reach lost people i cannot draw the lines and boundaries that limits God.
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