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Speak( less)

Posted by elizabethcog , 11 June 2012 · 1285 views

I,lately,have been considering how the ability to use words to communicate could actually be a hinderence to someone understanding what I hope to communicate.If my actions don't line up with what I say then one would have to choose-is she saying this?because she is doing that? God has put it on my heart to really ponder my words and deeds.There are alot of folks watchin and listening and if I have any hope of reflecting God's love this is very important.I know that if God uses me to further his kingdom then it is all his glory not mine.I must be careful to not add my own feelings but be in the Word and seek Jesus and pray constantly.God will use us for his glory it is why we exist.I am doing alot more listening and I mean really listening in the moment,not thinking ahead of my next turn to speak.Jesus did alot of listening and forgiving and I know he listens and forgives me,so I find myself much quieter as He seems to have led me to a calmer and more peaceful state even though all of lifes trials are still there.......I really do not have much desire to endlessly debate anymore and this is surprising to others and to me.Some friends have said ,are you ok? you seem out of sorts and I feel alittle unlike me.....not necessarily a bad thing less of me more of Him I pray=)

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