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Officer Down; Why Christians Should Be Praying

Posted by DeVonna , 10 October 2016 · 1297 views

Officer Down; Why Christians Should Be Praying

(According to the Officer Down Memorial website, 99 police officers have been killed in the line of duty this year, 2016, so far.)


In response to the many attacks that have taken place this year against our law enforcement officers, our church held a special time of prayer during a recent Sunday morning service. A uniformed officer was invited to represent law officers across our country and our church people lifted their hands as we prayed for God's protection upon them all.


As our church’s Prayer Coordinator I appreciate and applaud any opportunity our church has to pray together and that time of special prayer got me wondering if we could go further. The violence and threat to authority that exists in our country (and world) today has a cause and I think that cause needs to be addressed in prayer also.


The horrible truth is, there are communities where law enforcement is feared and officers fear those they are paid to protect.


In Isaiah chapter 59 the prophet talks about the many problems the nation of Israel faced, and frankly, it sounds to me as if he could have been talking about our world today. Verse 14 says, “Judgement is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter.” Verses 15 and 16 go on to say the Lord looked upon this chaotic situation, was displeased at the lack of justice and was appalled that “there was no intercessor”.


As Christians we are called to be intercessors; to pray for this fallen world. We live in violent times, but the Bible assures us, “the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear”. We have a duty and responsibility to pray for all people.
I would like to suggest you set aside a time to pray for all those who live in the shadow of fear, discrimination and persecution. We should be praying for understanding and for repentance and justice. I believe this is a prayer that would please the Lord.



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