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Where's YOUR chair?

Posted by Renee , in Asia, Orality 10 May 2013 · 2681 views

Several months ago, our church began a series on relationships. We began with our relationship with God and worked our way through relationships with family, coworkers, friends, and eventually romantic relationships. During our portion on our relationship with God, I shared Bill Hybels' story called "Coffee with God." In this story, Pastor Hybels challenges a business man to find a place to meet with God every day.

The man decided he could set apart his rocking chair as a place to meet with God in the morning before work. During those fifteen minute daily quiet times with God, the man is changed, eventually becoming a pastor, dedicating his whole life to serving Christ. I challenged everyone to find their "chair."

After which, one of our church members, Cloud, who was just baptized in July 2012, told me that he was very touched by the story, and had decided to dedicate a special part of his newly remodeled house for quiet times each day. He put a rocking chair in that spot. Since then, Cloud has stepped up in leadership at the church, including helping the coffee shop grow as well as leading a small group every Tuesday night. His times in the chair are helping him grow closer to Jesus.

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